LSAISD Class of 2020 Profiles

Adrienne Alcazar
School District: Comal ISD
“I want to join LSAISD so that i can further my skills, abilities and knowledge of education, collaboration and leadership. I would like to continue in my development so that I can help others especially in the greater San Antonio community in which I live, work in and love being a part of. I want to be a part of developing our students and our future leaders." - Adrienne Alcazar
Alejandra Avenia
School District: SAISD
Election District: 1
“I am eager to continue expanding my personal knowledge within the leadership aspect of education due to having recently completed a Master's degree in Administrational Leadership and Policy Studies. In order to become an effective leader in the future I need to continue to grow within the field myself to eventually lead others in the same direction. As the education world continues to expand and change, I am curious to learn about issues that affect it and the steps we can take as leaders to make a difference." - Alejandra Avenia
Alyssa Lopez
School District: SAISD
Election District: 7
“To learn more about San Antonio Education and in the future start a program that incorporates mental health and theater to help students and family cope with struggles that face them everyday." - Alyssa Lopez
Arnold Hernandez
School District: Alamo Heights
“I am eager to connect with other individuals in the community who are passionate about education and serving the communities we live in." - Arnold Hernandez
Austin Hawk
School District: SAISD
Election District: 6
“I want to join the Leadership SAISD cohort for the 2019-2020 school year because of the opportunity to learn more about San Antonio and to continue making an impact beyond my classroom. I am excited about the possibility to learn and collaborate with many stakeholders from a variety of fields all over the city. From reviewing the organization's website, attending the information session, and interacting with alumni of Leadership SAISD, I see how many people are working towards educational equity across the city and I want to be a part of a collective that brings important thought leaders together to work toward this goal." - Austin Hawk
Bree Jameson
School District: SWISD
“I want to better myself so that I can be a greater resource to serve my community." - Bree Jameson
Carlo Garcia
School District: Northside ISD
“I would like to join the Leadership's San Antonio Independent School District (LSAISD) Class of 2020 to not only make a difference in my community but to take the leadership skills and tools I've obtained throughout this course to use and exhibit later in life. Growing up in Northside Independent School District (NISD) and my mom teaching in SAISD, seeing the teaching and leadership differences between the districts inspired me to learn more. Since middle school, looking at both educational systems on how both districts could benefit each other. Thus, sparked my interest in researching and enhancing my leadership skills both in the educational and professional levels to give back to the community." - Carlo Garcia
Chris Packham
School District: SAISD
“I want to try to help STEM education across the San Antonio area." - Chris Packham
Cristina Sosa Noriega
School District: SAISD
Election Disrtict: 2
“As an involved SAISD parent, I am always looking for ways to learn more about how the public school system works and to connect with other like-minded parents and community members. I know several alumni of LSAISD, who all spoke very highly of the program and suggested I join." - Cristina Noriega
Daniel Dyal
School District: La Vernia ISD
“Every student deserves a fair, supportive and engaging environment for purposeful, differentiated instruction. I strongly believe that to achieve this we must find common goals and pathways amongst all actors in the community. This requires teachers to speak beyond their classrooms, administrators to give everyone a voice, and community members to seek an active role. Only through a collective search for facts and answers can we collectively address ongoing challenges in public education. I have strong interests in community cultures, community based education, mental health, inclusivity and diversity in our schools. I seek to be a member of the Class of 2020 Leadership SAISD cohort with the intention of collaborating, learning and exploring these and many more topics.” - Daniel Dyal
Diana Kenny
School District: North East ISD
“I feel strongly that, as a resident and business owner in San Antonio, the successes and struggles of SAISD affect all of us. SAISD is the hallmark district in our city and I'd like to be part of spreading the correct information to other business owners and residents when questions arise. I have completed the NEISD Leadership program and gained valuable knowledge so I'm inspired to do the same with SAISD.” - Diana Kenny
Erika Crespo
School District: SAISD
Election District: 4
“I would like to learn the skills to lead effectively and to empower others.” - Erika Crespo
Erin Aparicio
School District: SAISD
Election District: 7
“I attended your EdChat on creating and accessing outdoor learning environments and loved it! I especially appreciate the way you all are addressing equity in schools and making sure all children have access to high quality learning environments." - Erin Aparicio
Georgette Chapa
School District: NISD
Election District: 6
“I would like to be part of a leadership team to support and make positive changes in the community." - Georgette Chapa
Ginger Mullaney
School District: Northside ISD
Election District: 7
“I have a deep passion for the youth, families, and schools in the inner-city of San Antonio. I proudly attended SAISD and Edgewood schools through my K12 education journey. I have so many fond memories of all of the campuses I attended and the many teachers helped mold me into who I am today. I want to learn how I can contribute to the continued success and constant evolution that our public school system has to make San Antonio communities, families, and youth stronger for a better city." - Ginger Mullaney
Jake Gracia
School District: Alamo Heights ISD
"I really want to understand how I can best become involved and support our local schools as a community member and kid focused business owner." - Jake Gracia
Javier Paredes
School District: NEISD
"I want a multi-perspective understanding of the education ecosystem, to design better education environments that foster inclusivity, diversity, and innovation." - Javier Paredes
Jennifer Cook
School District: Northside ISD
Election District: 7
“Working for a nonprofit that partners heavily with school districts in San Antonio and across south Texas, I would like to expand my knowledge and understanding of school district operations, how policy and decisions are determined, and explore how I can contribute to creating new solutions with our school district partners so that students and families are better served." - Jennifer Cook
John Scheel
School District: SAISD
Election District: 3
“Want to learn more about Mental Health efforts in SAISD and may have one way to help.” - John Scheel
Kelly Murguia Sandoval
School District: Southwest ISD
“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time.But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." -Lilla Watson, Australian Aboriginal Activist "This quote reminds me of the centering the importance of liberation in education. Entering the classroom as an educator nine years ago, I saw the world of teaching and learning in an aspect of love and care for and with my students. I also saw ways my social identities and the experiences I had because of them impacted how I made meaning of my teaching. As a Latina who grew up in a low-income home with a mother who had unwavering support and unconditional love for her three children. The experiences I had in my childhood impacted the way I read the word and the world in the Freirean sense. After being part of the schooling system in a position of power and privilege, I have seen how complex the narratives can be and how we as educators, question our efforts and second guess the instincts from the upbringing of our cultures in working alongside our students on a winding path to social justice. The work is hard, and it is necessary, but it is not necessary to do this transformative work alone. LSAISD is an innovative and supportive space that works to bring equity to the center of reimagining what is possible in education for students and families in San Antonio. How we inform one another and build awareness of what is possible can help us transform our city to be one committed to a liberatory education. I want to contribute what I have learned and I want to learn from others and with others. The current climate of our country can feel so stifling, yet I see great potential in coming together to share our energies, wisdom, and challenges in order to build a coalition of folx to hold not only ourselves accountable for outcomes, but also our city." - Kelly Murguia Sandoval
Kendall Moore
School District: Austin ISD
“I have been working in technology serving the public sector space for 7 years now, and I absolutely love what I do. When Kevin told me about the LSAISD program, it sounded like a perfect fit. Collaborating with experts in every field working to improved education in Central Texas? What more could I ask for! I am looking forward to learning and growing my abilities to better effect change in my own community and the ones that I work with through Google." - Kendall Moore
Kimberlin Sansone
School District: Alamo Heights ISD
“I am very much wanting to join LSAISD in order to see a specific educational system from the inside. I have seen individual classrooms and been involved with certain schools, but I have never gotten to see the policy/overarching perspective before. I am looking forward to better understand common realities as well as best practices, in order to be educated on current issues when it comes to society and education. Without this knowledge on how things currently are, I know there is no way I can be helpful to support solutions needed." - Kimberlin Sansone
Kristen McKenney-Baggett
School District: Alamo Heights ISD
“My friend, Denise Cadenas, graduated from your program last year and highly recommended it. She said she learned so much about how school districts operate, met many inspiring people, and created a social network with whom she still communicates. I'm excited about all of these opportunities.” - Kristen McKenney-Baggett
Lara Fischer
School District: SAISD
Election District: 1
“I am very interested in connecting with individuals in the education space, as I have moved into a role that deals with education and development. I want to learn more about the inner workings of the school system and hopefully be able to help bring a fresh perspective to some of the struggles currently facing education." - Lara Fischer
Lara Kilgore
School District: NEISD
"I find myself more and more guiding and mentoring parents as much as I do students, so it is essential that I keep a pulse on what is going on in the San Antonio education landscape so that I can provide the best information to families looking to provide the education that fits their child's needs and passions. It also encourages and reinvigorates me to be surrounded by other educators, thought leaders, and community members who want to see the current and next generation of students have the best opportunity possible to be successful (as a whole person) in this world." - Lara Kilgore
Loi Taylor
School District: SAISD
Election District: 2
“Education is a life changing experience, provides the foundation for rational thinking and has the potential to influence one's plight in life. I wish to become an agent to encourage and facilitate the learning process." - Loi Taylor
Marcae Bryant-Omosor
School District: Northside ISD
“Life has presented some challenges along the way, being a single mother raising three productive citizens of society. To cultivate and build an appreciation for the arts and music closely coupled with athletics and academics. Nurturing the entire tri-dimensional creature takes dedication and perseverance which I will determinedly incorporate in my present and future endeavors. Deeply rooted in both U.S. Airforce core values: integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do; paired with 4 pillars: honesty, integrity, service, and loyalty I dedicate my service for the community and every networking opportunity to make an impression. Presently, my vision is to cultivate the necessary capital to compose a program that target outreach to youths in foster children, latch-key kids, and low-income families to cultivate and develop future STEM leaders. Through the development of an Open Community STEM Lab that can act as a cornerstone for youths that are not privileged to be exposed to one in their current situation; can be staffed with community educational leaders that aspire and facilitate the matriculation of future STEM strong-minded leaders. This ingenuity is not heavily researched and such an initiative will help increase STEM awareness, facilitate to break the poverty-enriched cycle, and provide support and activate disadvantaged tenants. Subsequently, I desire to obtain my doctoral degree in Cyber Operations from Dakota State University as a vehicle to launch my objectives into fruition. LSAISD is a great vehicle that can connect me with excellent role models to network with and assist me to meet my objectives as a mentor in the community. Our youth are considered the future leaders of tomorrow in which we must invest in them entirely." - Marcae Bryant-Omosor
Marty Gamer
School District: NEISD
Election District: 1
“I am a strong believer that everyone has the right to a quality education. I hope to be able to add my perspective and knowledge to the conversation as a way of giving back to the community." - Marty Gamer
Melanie Mendez-Gonzales
School District: SAISD
Election District: 1
“My goal is to be a stronger leader in my community in San Antonio but also in my online community. Since education is a passion of mine, understanding how local school boards work in and with the community would help me serve in leadership." - Melanie Mendez-Gonzales
Melissa Vela-Williamson
School District: NISD
“I have heard positive feedback on the program from some of my most respected education-related contacts. As a public relations consultant for many education clients, it is important I really understand how public education works in San Antonio." - Melissa Vela-Williamson
Michelle Rodriguez
School District: East Central ISD
“I would like to join LeadershipSAISD because I believe the program will help me work effectively with the school district that my children attend. Last year, their district attempted to pass a policy that would arm teachers and I felt the need to speak out for parents who opposed. I understand that there are so many factors that districts have to consider when making decisions and I feel that Leadership SAISD will help prepare me to best engaged parent that I could be." - Michelle Rodriguez
Monica Ayala Jimenez
School District: Northside ISD
“As the Dean of High School Pre-College Programs, I want to enhance my leadership skills to be able to serve the students and school districts served by Palo Alto College. I feel this leadership program will also allow me to network with other leaders in my community and form alliances to further the goals of helping students attain and complete post-secondary education." - Monica Ayala Jimenez
Naedean Herrera
School District: Edgewood ISD
“I want to make a difference in the way of transforming the education system in San Antonio and hopefully one day the U.S. I was a student in South San ISD and Edgewood ISD growing up. I graduated ranked second in my class and was still unprepared for post-secondary education. I want to learn more about the systems we work within and what changes can be made to have a brighter future for our youth." - Naedean Herrera
Patricia Del Toro
School District: Southwest ISD
“My mother always wanted us to get a postsecondary education no matter what. My parents moved from Mexico to the United States for us (I.e. my brother and I) to pursue a career and better opportunities. This kind of thinking does not get old. That is what I want for all students, especially those who do not seem to be able to. Everyone should have opportunities no matter what." - Patricia Del Toro
Quincy Boyd
School District: Northside ISD
“As a native of San Antonio and deeply passionate education professional, there's a plethora of reasons why I'd be honored to join the class of 2020's cohort of Leadership SAISD. For the sake of brevity, my interest can be summed up into two chief motivations: 1) the entire premise of LSAISD is unique to who I am as an individual and a professional and 2) one of my core values is lifelong learning. I have spent years committed to researching, learning, and working on ways to better prepare students ”namely students of color” for postsecondary life. In that time, I have worked with the most resource-constrained families across Texas and walked the halls of Harvard with some of the wealthiest students across the country. The one thing I left in the living rooms of the families I've served, and those elite hallways, was my promise to help younger generations reach their full potential through education. Leadership SAISD dovetails two things I love into an unparalleled professional development opportunity. I hope to join LSAISD because I made a promise to myself, and to others, to learn as much as I can and teach as much as I can so that kids like me are prepared to step foot on the grounds of ambitious universities that await them." - Quincy Boyd
Ray Hernandez
School District: Northside ISD
Election District: 4
“I am always looking to explore and improve my leadership skills and see this as a great opportunity to expand my knowledge in the K-12 perspective." - Ray Hernandez
Rebecca Kaufmann Podowski
School District: SAISD
Election District: 7
“I know several alumni that have spoken highly of their experience gained through LSAISD. I look forward to picking up the same tools they have and becoming a better advocate for public education going forward." - Rebecca Kaufmann Podowski
Rhoda Leos
School District: Southwest ISD
“I would like to expand my skills, knowledge, and experience around leadership, collaboration, and education. I would like to equip myself as much as possible to be able to communicate effectively, build relationships, and collaborate with other professionals and educators in the community to help our youth be successful. I value being able to learn from others' experiences, successes, challenges and applying them to my own work within the Health Department. Being part of LSAISD would provide an exceptional learning opportunity in which I can learn, grow, and further evaluate my role as an educator in the community.” - Rhoda Leos
Rosie Smith
School District: NEISD
“Joining LSAID offers an opportunity to network as well as acquire additional skills to nurture future leaders, increase employee campus engagement, increase productivity, make better decisions, and to develop effective and meaningful leadership." - Rosie Smith
Saani Fong
School District: Northeast ISD
“I am passionate about education. I want to join LSAISD so that I can better understand the US education system as well as connect with persons with different experience of the education system so that hopefully, I will gain a more rounded and nuanced understanding of the system as well as help generate new ideas." - Saani Fong
Sergio Plaza III
School District: Northeast ISD
Election District: 2
“Joining LSAISD would give me an opportunity to expand my knowledge of education policy and policy in general not just through lecture and access to experts, but from peers that have been doing this work on the ground for years. I believe wholeheartedly that learning is best when many perspectives are shared and even discussed amongst each other. I plan on making systemic policy change a lifetime commitment and throughout my experience in education, have strove to learn more about how policy has affected the lives of the students I serve." - Sergio Plaza III
Stephen Oakes
School District: NEISD
“In my new role as Lead Facilitator & School Liaison at BBBS, I visit SAISD campuses frequently, while working directly with staff and students. The more I understand the intricacies and conditions within the schools, such as education policy, school finance, diversity, and equity, the better of a partner I will be able to be." - Stephen Oakes
Summer Ahmed
School District: Alamo Heights ISD
“Leadership SAISD can provide a new perspective to me and grow me as an educational leader. My friends who have gone through the program have said that the program is multi-faceted. This will help me understand our education system, the inequities that are occurring, and the tools/resources that we can provide as educators." - Summer Ahmed
Sunny Hernandez
School District: SAISD
Election District: 6
“I want to join LSAISD because I am extremely passionate about education. I want to be able to learn about all the tools and resources that SAISD has to assist students from all levels in being successful in school and teach the importance to attain an education. I have aspirations to one day run for school board and eventually be a part of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and I believe this program will give me the ability to learn how to be in these spaces and be the best advocates for children and adults.” - Sunny Hernandez
Syedah Asghar
School District: SAISD
Election District: 6
“Many organizations focus on education, however Leadership SAISD stands alone by bringing in eclectic community members with the, potential, only common thread among each other being the passion they carry for education in San Antonio. This intentionality fosters an environment geared on individual and systemic experiences, authentic discourse, and ingenuity. I want to join Leadership SAISD for these reasons and to work alongside a coalition of civic leaders who champion educational equity in San Antonio.” - Syedah Asghar
Tamara Anderson
School District: Northside ISD
Election District: 7
“If you do not continue to grow and learn then you cant sit back and say you want change. Change only happens when voices are heard. I would like to understand the how, when, and why of what is happening in education and then look at ways to make a difference. ” - Tamara Anderson
Tori Austin
School District: NEISD
“As an employee of SAISD, I would like to be involved in LSAISD in order to continue to learn about the district and the ways in which I can continue to support the district in the trajectory of becoming a model urban school district. I appreciate that LSAISD also provides opportunities to learn from policy makers, other school districts, and community leaders. The opportunity provides an opportunity to learn from those who are deep into the work in each of the areas and bring that learning back to SAISD and the district initiatives to inform options for changes for improvement." - Tori Austin
Veronica Johannsen
School District: Northside ISD
“I want to make a difference in the community in which I live and I want to help improve the local schools." - Veronica Johannsen